Saturday, January 9, 2010

The First Weekend

This weekend feels kind of lame for a weekend, but only because we haven't done much this week to make sitting around be special.

Yesterday, we sat around for a while and eventually I finally warmed up. Then it was dinnertime, and we had ratatouille with baked egg on top, which was incredibly delicious. They seem to do casserole-type dishes pretty exclusively for dinner. I'm not sure if that's because it's easier for them since they have work and school all day, or just because it keeps the kitchen warmer if the stove's on. :P

That evening we all hung out more. Jacqueline and Xavier are going to think we hate them; we just sit in our rooms on our computers all day. Really it's just cold downstairs, and we have nothing to do. The boys kept talking about going out somewhere, but we didn't know what we'd do or where we'd go. Fortunately the French don't go out until really late, so by the time we decided to go it was fine. Aaron led the way, since he'd gone Google-searching earlier. We went to a couple bars and it was a lot of fun, and then we came back and had to be extremely quiet coming back up the stairs so we didn't wake up the rest of the house. I don't know how everyone else had the energy to stay up longer; I collapsed into bed and was dead to the world.

This morning I woke up early and took a shower. The showers aren't nearly as bad as I was expecting; our professor told us that they didn't have shower curtains and that it was impossible to shower without getting water everywhere. It's a little small, but there is a curtain and it's actually pretty comfortable. On weekends the Dhommées make us a larger brunch instead of breakfast, so everyone went downstairs to eat around 12:30. We had these kind of strange ham and cheese baked sandwiches with pineapple rings on top. They were good, but weird.

Today we have to get cell phones to use while we're here. Hopefully the store will be open; I don't know when we're going to leave, since pretty much everyone went back to sleep.

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