Friday, January 15, 2010

Catching Up

So Tuesday we did not, in fact, get classes. We went to the Université for our meeting with Caroline, and she took us on a tour of the building on the Rue des Tanneurs, which is the Department of Letters and Languages. That's where most of us have most of our classes, theoretically, if we have classes yet. She also showed us books of classes related to various majors, which wasn't really helpful because we didn't know what we were looking for or how to find it. But she wrote down what we told her about what classes we wanted, and we were given the impression that she would figure them out for us and email us with her findings. That or we would just wait until our other meeting on Thursday. So we were all pretty upset that we had gotten almost nothing accomplished. On our way back to the house it was snowing pretty hard, and the cobblestones were really slick, and it was altogether miserable. We finally got back to the house, holed up, and were just glad to get off the streets. That night we had ravioli for dinner, which was really good. We didn't do much that evening besides hang out and worry about classes.

The next day, Wednesday, was absolutely gorgeous. We had thought about going to the Musée des Beaux Arts, which is an art museum that's really nearby the house. But by the time everyone was awake and ready to go, we had kind of lost the urge. We decided that since the Musée is free every first Sunday of the month, we'd just wait until February and visit the Musée then. The second we went outside, though, we saw that it was an absolutely gorgeous day. We took a bunch of pictures of how beautiful things were. There's a marché that sets up on the Boulevard Heurteloup a couple times a week, and it happened to be there that day. There were several stalls of flower-sellers, so we got Jacqueline a bouquet from all of us. Then we went up Rue Nationale, which is where most of the shopping is in Tours, and wandered in and out of stores. On our way back to the house, we went into a couple antique stores that we pass by fairly often. One of them had a lot of old books, and I found one called "Celebration of silence" (in French, of course). The beginning of it explains sort of the value of silence and how rare it is, and then the rest of the book is full of blank pages. I thought it was pretty cool, and it was only 3 Euro, so I bought it. Dinner that night was roasted chicken and green beans. Mathias sort of threw a tantrum in the middle of it, which was really awkward. Xavier had to talk to him about it, but they both seemed pretty upset. Then after dinner I asked Mathias if he was done with his water so I could take it to the kitchen, and Xavier gave me a short lecture about how I'm an adult, and I should treat Mathias like a child. It was weird. I also sliced my finger open on my razor when I reached into my showering basket in the bathroom. It bled a lot, but isn't anything serious. Now it's healing up just fine.

Yesterday was Thursday, and we finally had our meeting to (supposedly) sign up for our classes. I'll leave that to a whole post on its own, though, since it was pretty eventful and frustrating.

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